College of Business Education (CBE) as a strong and vibrant service and degree-offering college, the first among equals, in a premier university. Contributory to the Mission of the Nueva Vizcaya State University and in line with its vision of a strong and vibrant college, the College of Business education shall provide general education courses to all students from the other colleges of the University, and to serve the special needs of other colleges for major courses in the disciplines of the Business education. It shall also offer relevant degree courses that stand to benefit the community in particular and the global community in general.The College of Business education is geared towards the preparation of students for responsible, creative and useful membership and leadership in the society through innovative designed to stimulate and develop creative, analytical and critical thinking, effective communication and sound judgment, without sacrificing aesthetic, ethical and cultural values.


A leading university in education, innovation, and sustainable development


We engage. We innovate. We empower.

We transform education by adhering to global standards, and fostering research and innovation for sustainable development.

Developmental Goals

  1. Global Graduate Excellence

  2. Research & Community Integration

  3. Technology Commercialization

  4. Promoting Internationalization

  5. Enhancing Administrative Efficiency

Core Values